By Holly Yan, CNN April 18, 2021 CNN Full Story What used to be a mysterious new variant first detected in the UK is now the most dominant coronavirus strain in the US. And unlike the original strain of the novel coronavirus, the more contagious B.1.1.7 strain is...
By Anthony L. Komaroff, MD, March 1, 2021 Harvard Health Letter Full Story Tens of thousands of people in the United States have lingering illness following COVID-19. In the US, we call them post-COVID “long haulers.” Currently, the condition they are...
By: Ensheng Dong, Hongru Du, Lauren Gardner MAY 01, 2020 The Lancet Infectious Diseases, Volume 20, Issue 5 Full Study In December, 2019, a local outbreak of pneumonia of initially unknown cause was detected in Wuhan (Hubei, China), and was quickly determined to be...
By: Wilfredo F. Garcia-BeltranEvan C. LamKerri St. DenisA. John IafrateVivek NaranbhaiAlejandro B. Balazs APRIL 29, 2021 Cell, Volume 184, Issue 9 Full Study •Numerous variants of SARS-CoV-2-harboring mutations in spike have arisen globally•mRNA vaccines elicit...